Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Art Out: Tal Gilboa and Elizabeth Stehl Kleberg - Let Me Hold Your Breath

Art Out: Tal Gilboa and Elizabeth Stehl Kleberg - Let Me Hold Your Breath


Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York presents Let Me Hold Your Breath, an exhibition featuring projected images and installation by artist duo Tal Gilboa and Elizabeth Stehl Kleberg

Tal Gilboa and Elizabeth (Liz) Stehl Kleberg collage lens-based media and sculpt images digitally. The images are projected onto various objects such as magnifying lenses, plastics, and translucent materials that reflect, refract, and enhance light. The motion of the light is projected to the walls and floors of the gallery simulating  chain reactions of abstracted visuals. The points of connectivity between the technology, objects, and images activate each other creating physical and digital structures that become magnetic. Working in collaboration the past few years Tal and Liz have developed a non-systematic way of creation and production, drawing on intuition and improvisation.

November 2 - December 9

126 Baxter St. New York, NY 10013 @ CCNY

All images © Joshua Colon

Art Out: New Chinese Culture: Recent Acquisitions - Traum Safe Gallery

Art Out: New Chinese Culture: Recent Acquisitions - Traum Safe Gallery

Book Review: For You! Modern Day Love Letters by John Arsenault

Book Review: For You! Modern Day Love Letters by John Arsenault