Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

The Photographic Alphabet: A is for Adam Bird

The Photographic Alphabet: A is for Adam Bird

© Adam Bird Photography

© Adam Bird Photography

By Tyler Austin

Adam Bird is a conceptual portrait photographer based out of Birmingham, England whose pictures have the power to take his viewers to places of pure fantasy and imagination. Rosie Hardy is one of his greatest inspirations for his photography work and the sensation of eerie magic shines through in both of their images.

The pictures that he shoots range from the center of an enchanted forests to the collision point of a series of wild ocean waves. In whatever place the stills are taken to call them 'interesting' would be nothing short of an understatement.

© Adam Bird Photography

© Adam Bird Photography

Nature is another inspiration for his work and he prefers to shoot in very ethereal scenes. Despite his love for the earth he has also spoken of his preference to shoot human faces rather than animals or landscape. People are the subjects that breathe the most life into his lens and are easily transported to the scenes he wishes to create.

He also experiments with mixing mediums as he has been known to combine drawing with his photography, some examples of this can be found circling online. Having sketches of a flock of birds flying over a field of flowers is just one example of his hybrid creations.

He also prefers to use physical props during the actual shoots rather than add them in with photoshop later. He believes that it creates for a more authentic scene as the models now have the chance to interact with the prop in real time rather than making it simply seem so later. The muted colors of his photographs also give the scene and subject much more weight and that's just one of the many reasons why it's so easy to get lost in his work.

You can see more of his images on his website here.

© Adam Bird Photography

© Adam Bird Photography

Film Review: The Soundtrack of Our Lives

Film Review: The Soundtrack of Our Lives

Art Out: Henri Cartier-Bresson at The Rubin Museum of Art

Art Out: Henri Cartier-Bresson at The Rubin Museum of Art