Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photographic Alphabet: O is for Eric Ogden

Photographic Alphabet: O is for Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #6), 2018" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #6), 2018" © Eric Ogden

Project: I Dream A Hwy

"Though the images that make up my ongoing series I Dream A Hwy vary in style and format, what holds them all together is the element of mystery that suffuses them.  I began this project on a long road trip, trying to view my surroundings as if I were an in a foreign land, and taking photos of those things as if for the very first time.  I tried to keep this sense of wonder as that trip ended, and continued creating images in series the as though the journey, and my wonder, did not end. "- Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #2), 2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #2), 2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #3),2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #3),2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #5), 2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #5), 2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #1),2016" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #1),2016" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #4), 2017" © Eric Ogden

"Untitled (Dream #4), 2017" © Eric Ogden

Woman Crush Wednesday: Polixeni Papapetrou

Woman Crush Wednesday: Polixeni Papapetrou

Weekend Portfolio: Julieta Ansalas

Weekend Portfolio: Julieta Ansalas