Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photographic Alphabet: B is  Akshit Bhardwaj

Photographic Alphabet: B is Akshit Bhardwaj


“Choke” Akshit Bhardwaj

“Choke” Akshit Bhardwaj

The series highlights the convoluted stage of depression where one seems to find themselves in a state of disconnect. The world becomes a murky place for such a person who is induced with a contorted version of reality.

“Death “ Akshit Bhardwaj

“Death “ Akshit Bhardwaj

“Distorted” Akshit Bhardwaj

“Distorted” Akshit Bhardwaj

We dwell in a world of modern convenience, a society that is marked by rapid growth and development. We have come a long way from our hunter-gatherer existence and are now flourishing alphas, proclaimers of culture, the ones who defied the laws of nature to rise above to ultimately mark our very unique footprints on the road to history. However, has our journey been all that glorious?. With an influx of varied evils that consume our modern society (terrorism, pollution, etc), the more important question is- are we the blossoming flowers of the dawning new era or the perishing fireflies who had a brief glorious moment and are now on the way of their own demise? One of such By-Product of the modern times is condition described as Depression. This psychological

monster preys on the very life source that sustains human happiness. It leaches out the very essence that makes a being human consequently leaving behind a shell of a body filled with confusing emotions.

The depression monster has the caliber to distort one's sense of existence. This beast deludes one to think that they are flawed and will never be good enough.

“Hopeless” Akshit Bhardwaj

“Hopeless” Akshit Bhardwaj

“Trapped” Akshit Bhardwaj

“Trapped” Akshit Bhardwaj

Book Review: Look It's Getting Sunny Outside!!!

Book Review: Look It's Getting Sunny Outside!!!

Art Out: La Vie En Rose

Art Out: La Vie En Rose