Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Art Out: Kara Walker’s Katastwóf Karavan with Jason Moran at the Whitney

Art Out: Kara Walker’s Katastwóf Karavan with Jason Moran at the Whitney

Photographs by Andrés Mercado

Kara Walker brings a steam-powered calliope housed in a parade wagon to the Whitney. Featuring the steam whistle typical of a calliope, the custom-fabricated instrument is programmed by Walker with a compilation of jazz, gospel, and songs that, in Walker’s words, represent both “Black protest and celebration.” Jason Moran played the calliope live.

Film Review: Grâce à Dieu / Grace of God

Film Review: Grâce à Dieu / Grace of God

Book Review: Attention Servicemember

Book Review: Attention Servicemember