Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Triggered!: Tyler Healey

Triggered!: Tyler Healey

© Tyler Healey, from boyz night

© Tyler Healey, from boyz night

By Tyler Healey

I was in the basement with Andy, Matt and Kevin. They were boxing heedfully with one another; occasionally there was a jab that went a little too far but it was quickly laughed off. Having an odd number of participants, Kevin broke away and started sparring with himself, neglecting the punching bag right in front of him. His imaginary opponent received the full force of his swift and dogged, unforgiving blows. The energy shifted from playful to hostile once the consequences of physical force came to an end. I had made a few pictures of the guys boxing with each other moments before, but watching this was better, it felt organic. Matt and Andy stopped to watch too as I told Kevin to freeze so I could focus my camera. Once I told him to resume, I raised the flash, looked through the viewfinder and waited for the right time to press the shutter release. I’m not sure who Kevin was thinking of at that moment, if anyone at all.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Brandy Trigueros

Woman Crush Wednesday: Brandy Trigueros

Photographic Alphabet: Z is for Kyler Zeleny

Photographic Alphabet: Z is for Kyler Zeleny