Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Xinxin Zhang

Woman Crush Wednesday: Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

Images and Words by Xinxin Zhang

Interview by Akshit Bhardwaj

“Object and Desire” is an ongoing series about sexuality and relationships. It includes food and body parts in frame, because food and sexuality are the two most consumed items and topics in our society.

Xinxin Zhang is a Chinese fine art and fashion photographer now based in New York. She is now in her grad program in New York University focusing on shadow aesthetics and cinematic photography. She intends to bring together her traditional Asian cultural and aesthetic heritage, and modern artistic methods and intentions, most importantly, full respect and perspective understanding for her subjects of photography as she makes intimate photos with her models.

To find out more about Xinxin’s work, please click here.

Woman Crush Questionnaire:

1. What is your motivation to make your genre of photographic art? 

Pursuit towards beauty and good designs.

2. How does your cultural background influence your art? 

I like to enjoy the balance between shadow and light—just like Yin and Yang, and I like using metaphors and symbols in my work.

3. What is the most difficult thing you have experienced making photos? 

Keeping up to work with momentum.

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

Artistic Lifestyle Questionnaire:

1. How would you describe your creative process in one word? 

Plans, everything needs to be prepared and planned.

2. If you would teach one, one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

It would be that photography is just as opinionated as painting, it is not necessarily about the Truth.

3. What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

Anais Nin’s Diary Volume 3.

4. What is the most played song in your iTunes Library?

“Lifeboat” from Lovage by Nathaniel Merriweather

5. How do you take your coffee?

I like every way to taking my coffee.

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

©Xinxin Zhang

An Interview with Elizabeth Heyert: The Idol

An Interview with Elizabeth Heyert: The Idol

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Book Review: She Disappeared into Complete Silence