Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Maria

Flash Fiction: Maria

© Alex Moore - Whitesands

© Alex Moore - Whitesands

By Alessandra Schade

I meet Maria underwater. She drains the dive bar with her heavy hand. Drowning in her pour, we bathe together.

Sand floors bury callused feet. I trace constellations on her sunburnt shoulders with my finger.

Her laughter touches my cheek, Spanish rolling from her mouth like honey whiskey in the summer. Her body—a metronome. A vine. Coiling around me like the ivy crawling the shingled sides of my parents' home.

Our shared breath, tacky like spilled beer. Her lips are pale ale and coconut. Sunscreen slips down noses, pooling in our cupid’s bows’ groove.

Mute and dull, morning seeps through. The cock crows outside, but we do not hear it. Fallen hair hides her black-hole pupils. She breathes her name onto my neck and her boyfriend has left her hand in mine.

You can view more of Alex Moore’s work here.

Weekend Portfolio: Amy Friend

Weekend Portfolio: Amy Friend

Film Review: JOJO RABBIT

Film Review: JOJO RABBIT