Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Cold Feet

Flash Fiction: Cold Feet

Those who eat fish from the cyanide lake improve their sex lives © Tomas Bachot

Those who eat fish from the cyanide lake improve their sex lives © Tomas Bachot

By Maia Rae Bachman

After days of her feet being cold from the sidewalk’s apathy she realized she liked to stand in the bath. If all you can see of her body are pastel conches in front of fleshy tones then maybe she wasn’t in the apartment bathroom after all. Inside the curtain, she’s provoking the sand to shift between her toes, wading shin deep in kettle-warm water. A New Yorker’s brain can make a vacation out of porcelain and nylon.

Austerity can come from many manmade materials, but not this. 

You can see more of Bachot’s work here.

Women's History Month: Rania Matar

Women's History Month: Rania Matar

Weekend Portfolio: Alexis Vasilikos

Weekend Portfolio: Alexis Vasilikos