Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Grace Lee

Woman Crush Wednesday: Grace Lee

©Grace Lee

By Dani Martin

For your self-portrait series “Look at Me, Look at You,” you mention it is easy to manipulate our lives online. What version of yourself do you put forth in this series?

In this series, I tried to put forth a different version of myself that I have yet to portray in my work, one of my self-expression and vanity that exists in my online presence. The images not only show where I was in life at the time but also the version of myself that I truly want to be. In this way, I explored my identity - not just as a photographer or a model, but as someone who can conquer all fields.

©Grace Lee

©Grace Lee

What is the narrative behind the shift in red, warm tones to blue, cooler tones in “Look At Me, Look At You”?

I never really considered the deeper meanings of the different colors in this series until after I had finished shooting and compiled all the selected images. I think now, the shifts in color tones represent the different stages I was at, emotionally and physically, during the whole project and also my different personalities that came out.

©Grace Lee

Do you approach shooting digital differently than shooting film?

I honestly approach both mediums in the same way. I take my time with each shot and hope for the best. Obviously, I can be a bit more lenient with digital since I have unlimited shots, but I treat each practice of getting the perfect shot the same.

©Grace Lee

Describe your creative process in one word.


If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

How to make the best Korean dishes.

©Grace Lee

©Grace Lee

What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

I’ve recently rewatched Fallen Angels, directed by Wong Kar-wai…for obvious reasons. Anytime I get in a creative rut, I watch his films for a visual overload of beautiful imagery.

©Grace Lee

What is the most played song in your music library?

Hit Different by SZA!

How do you take your coffee?

With oat milk and honey/syrup. 

©Grace Lee

Check out more of Grace’s work on her website and her Instagram.

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Triggered: Julie Dodge

Triggered: Julie Dodge