Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Weekend Portfolio: Marisa Culatto

Weekend Portfolio: Marisa Culatto

Images and text by Marisa Culatto


 Although a massive part of my practice is done with a camera I have an ambivalent relationship with the photographic medium, probably because my language – my imagery - and my work processes don’t fit comfortably within the classic territory of photography.  Thus a big part of my practice explores photography itself.  Here I explore the concept of landscape, looking at it as paradigm; from a visual angle by offering typical examples or patterns, and also semantically referring to the horizontal orientation of the images.

 In an exercise of auto-appropriation, all the images in this series come from my own archives -  including my personal albums, which I poured through in search of good examples -, thus most have been taken with either a point and shoot camera or a mobile phone.  The original images were reworked, printed with our faulty home printer (which distorts colours), manually crumpled, re-photographed in the studio with my work camera, and finally edited again. 

In the end, these works are not really photographs of landscapes, but of manually crumpled printed images. The crumpling and the degree of distortion and blurriness show my complete honesty towards the viewer in that they are not looking at pictures of reality - hence the title - , but mere (poetic?) representations of it.

To view more by Marisa Culatto, click here.

Art Out: Paul Graham, Carrie Mae Weems, Louise Lawler

Art Out: Paul Graham, Carrie Mae Weems, Louise Lawler

Flash Fiction: The Floating Man

Flash Fiction: The Floating Man