Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Rituals

Flash Fiction: Rituals

Guest Room © Marygrace Gladden

Every day when I come home from work, I do the same thing. After kicking off my shoes, I walk past the kitchen, past the television, past my bedroom, and head to the bathroom.

The bathroom is my favorite room. At 6 o’clock, the sun streaks across the wall and gives the space an enticingly warm hue.

Turning the faucet to a temperature I know to be my skin’s limit, I listen to the bath fill and disassociate into the sound; I allow my thoughts to dissolve, and then I step in, so my pain can dissipate too.

It is a ritual, and it is survival.

To view more of Marygrace’s work, visit her website

Film Review: The Meaning of Hitler

Film Review: The Meaning of Hitler

Art Out: Séance, LACP's Seventh Annual Members' Exhibition,  CROSSROADS

Art Out: Séance, LACP's Seventh Annual Members' Exhibition, CROSSROADS