Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Saturday Nights

Flash Fiction: Saturday Nights

© Dan Fenstermacher

Image by Dan Fenstermacher
Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani and Yanting Chen

They’d been together since their twenties. They fell in love in the city and now could never leave. The smog and the noise were part of their background music, then and forever.

Her mother had wanted grandchildren, but she could never deliver. So, the two of them spent their money well. 

And every Saturday was the same. They’d get in the car dressed up in a way their twenty-year-old selves would, wearing sunglasses like Hollywood celebrities, and they’d just drive–for hours. They soak up the lights of their city’s nightlife and smoke a cigar, one between the two of them. Like everything else, they shared.

To view more of Dan Fenstermacher’s work, visit his website.

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