Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Maytal

Woman Crush Wednesday: Maytal

living in san francisco for five minutes © Maytal

Interview by Yzabella Zari

Yzabella Zari: Do you study photography?

Maytal: No, but I do indulge in the occasional youtube video about cameras. 

YZ: What advice can you give to other creatives when rebelling against art standards? 

Maytal: My advice to other creatives would be to use every and all types of mediums. Whatever that means to you. Whether that’s crayon, lipstick, or even just some old paint. 

I believe in order to rebel against art standards, you must throw all expectations out the window, creating art that is for you, by you. 

mask 2018 © Maytal

YZ: As a Los Angeles native, how has the city influenced your art style?

Maytal: I have learned living amongst the stars, that I must treat myself and others around me like a star. Los Angeles is bursting with energy. My young teen years spent in Echo Park have influenced me a lot, not just in my art but as a person. Echo Park is covered in paint but also trash, many murals of art and advertisement, but also homeless people; this dichotomy opened my eyes up to the diverse parallels the city holds at an early age. The beach is something I hold near and dear to my heart. It always looks otherworldly, compared to the rest of the concrete jungle that is Los Angeles. The sun is always shining here, which is my favorite part of living here. It’s perfect for a day in the park, with a notebook or a spontaneous shoot. I am very grateful for all the sunny days, they inspire me. They keep me warm. 

bourgeois pig 2019 © Maytal

YZ: What part of our generation excites you?

Maytal: Our drive. If someone in our generation wants something they are going to get it, no matter what that “thing” may be. I hope that we as a generation apply that drive to the political state of the world as well as the environment.

talking to you is like pulling out teeth © Maytal

YZ: What is your creative process like? 

Maytal: Being Messy. I like to spill my thoughts and art all over. I allow myself to make a mess. It's an integral part of my process. I also love to be in control, which my girlfriend claims is the virgo in me. Art is the one place I can allow myself to be a mess.There is no use in planning a painting or a shoot, because you can’t shape an experience, they just happen. When it comes to my photography, I often have an idea of a photo I NEED TO TAKE, and I’ll draw it out or find a reference online and then from there, find a friend to shoot and pull some clothes from my wardrobe and see what happens. Whenever I am behind the lens I tend to work quickly, so I plan two or three separate ideas to shoot, two birds, one stone. It’s my signature.

uproot © Maytal

YZ: What do you imagine the future of art to be like?

Maytal: I have no idea. The NFT world is creating something completely new that has never been brought to the art scene. I hope we still will have galleries and interactive experiences because I personally cherish those the most. Nothing compares to seeing an art piece hanging on the wall, BIG, and freshly printed in all its glory. But yeah I essentially have no clue. I am interested to find out as the art scene is constantly evolving. 

‘“isn’t womanhood so sweet?” © Maytal

YZ: How do you overcome imposter syndrome? 

Maytal: I don’t call myself a photographer, writer or a painter. I am simply an artist. I am learning and making a mess as I go. I am simply being me and creating, there is nothing imposter about that.

YZ: If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

Maytal: How to be confident in your own skin. The steps needed to take in order to be the best version of one’s self.

© Maytal

star wings © Maytal

YZ: What is the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

Maytal: It is pride month so I have been watching some classics. I saw “But I am a cheerleader” for the first time, and I loved how CAMP it was. The colors throughout the film and the juxtaposition to the writing inspired me a ton. Along with “But I am a cheerleader” I saw G.I.A starring Angelina Jolie and it broke my heart. I loved watching Angeline Jolie unravel at the seams, there is something quite magical about her interpretation of it. Loved how the movie highlighted the fashion industry and was based on a true story. This movie pulled on my heart strings but rawness is what influenced me. G.I.A actually inspired a recent shoot I did this week.

i grew up © Maytal

More of Maytal’s work can be found on their website or Instagram.

Exhibition Review: Wendy Red Star: Delegation

Exhibition Review: Wendy Red Star: Delegation

Photo Journal Monday: Loek Buter

Photo Journal Monday: Loek Buter