Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Rainy Weekend

Rainy Weekend

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Star Udyawar

Sitting on the river, the drizzle was letting up. They’d endured a seemingly endless mist from the skies for hours, but refused to let it ruin their individual dates.

On the bright side, the people there felt grateful for the weather. It had offered a blameless reason for snuggling close under a canopy. Easy conversation settled under shared conditions, and fluttery feelings occupied their hearts. For one pair, it was their first date; for others, they’d stopped counting.

Humans are suckers for romance in the rain. Water is as essential in the body as connection. And that we can believe in.

Dato Koridze

Dato Koridze

Hyperborea: Stories from the Arctic

Hyperborea: Stories from the Arctic