Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.



Daily Observations | Collin Pollard

Written by: Emma Mathes

It’s funny how construction works. Sites stay set up on public property for so long they become part of the landscape; then one day, they’re gone with little trace.

The parking lot of the best grocery store in town had been incapacitated for what felt like years. The shoppers had gone from being annoyed to dispassionate once they forgot what used to be.

Then on a random Wednesday in March, the lot was clear again. With dozens of new spaces, and no ugly neon netting or wire fences, the shoppers felt blessed. All that remained was a pile of sand.

Anton Corbijn, Ruth Orkin, Berenice Abbott

Anton Corbijn, Ruth Orkin, Berenice Abbott

Trapped: Ximena Echagüe

Trapped: Ximena Echagüe