Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Justine Kurland, Karyn Olivier, Good Trouble

Justine Kurland, Karyn Olivier, Good Trouble

@Justine Kurland. Toys R Us, 1998, 12 x 15in, C Print. © Justine Kurland, courtesy of the artist and Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art | Justine Kurland : Girl Pictures, January 1, 2023 - September 10, 2023

“By documenting teenage girls as rebels at play in bucolic frontier landscapes, the series offers a feminist recasting of vagabond narratives like Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957) in photographs made between Connecticut and California—including New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas among others.

Kurland took to the American road on solo trips over five years beginning in 1997 while attending graduate school at Yale University. Living out of a van, the artist befriended various groups of local girls across the country, explained her photographic series, then dressed, staged, and photographed the invented, utopian scenes. The complete series of 69 works is loosely grouped into themes including camps, tents, and forts; animals; balls and games; boy torture; grooming and erotics; rivers, roads, forests, and coastlines; and large groups.”

To view more information visit Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

@Karyn Oliver. Driftwood, Door, Man, and Boat (Gorée Island/ Matinicus Island)
2023, Steel, driftwood, Sintra print, 58 x 57 x 49 inches, © Karyn Oliver, courtesy of the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery.

Tanya Bonakdar Gallery | Karyn Olivier : How A Home is Made, July 22nd, 2023 - July 28th, 2023

“In How A Home Is Made Olivier explores themes of displacement, migration, and absence using discarded items and common construction materials. Combining these with photographic imagery, Olivier asks the viewer to reflect on building practices, excess consumption, and Western ideas of progress in late capitalist societies.

Driftwood, Door, Man, and Boat (Gorée Island/Matinicus Island) acts as a work of chronostratigraphy. A large piece of driftwood Olivier recovered from Maine is juxtaposed with an image she photographed from the Door of No Return at the House of Slaves in Senegal. It evokes the complexities of layered time: the weathered driftwood that wears its history and travel, the captured moment of a photo taken 13 years ago, the historical magnitude of the site, and even this current moment—as the loop is closed by the viewer in the gallery today, bearing witness to a fraught and troubled legacy.”

To view more information visit, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery

©Nina Berman: F**k The KKK, New Jersey, 1995, courtesy of the artist and Monroe Gallery of Photography

Monroe Gallery of Photography | Good Trouble, June 30th, 2023 - Sep 17th, 2023

“We are reminded of the power of photographs to propel action and inspire change. This exhibition presents a selection of photographs that register the power of individuals to inspire movements and illustrates the power of protest from a deeply human perspective.

Protest is an invaluable way to speak truth to power. Throughout history, protests have been the driving force behind some of the most powerful social movements, exposing injustice and abuse, demanding accountability and inspiring people to keep hoping for a better future. The right to protest encompasses various rights and freedoms, including the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, and the freedom of expression. Unfortunately, these precious rights are under attack and must be protected from those who are afraid of change and want to keep us divided.”

To view more information visit, Monroe Gallery of Photography

Behind the Shed

Behind the Shed

Asteroid City (2023) | Dir Wes Anderson

Asteroid City (2023) | Dir Wes Anderson