Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Mike's Fix It

Mike's Fix It

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Sam LaMaine

Stephen hated when he had to come down here. As the years went by with his hunk of junk, the visits got more frequent. But in reality, he could afford a cheap fix every few months over any down payment.

The problem was really the wait. The team took their sweet time for a price tag they knew was fair, so what could their customers really complain about?

The only silver living—and sometimes Stephen felt it was more bronze—was the ancient tv bolted to the counter which played NFL

Fern L. Nesson, Nanci Kahn + Meredith Kennedy, Cody Cobb + Raymond Thompson Jr.

Fern L. Nesson, Nanci Kahn + Meredith Kennedy, Cody Cobb + Raymond Thompson Jr.

Arresting Beauty | Julia Margaret Cameron

Arresting Beauty | Julia Margaret Cameron