Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Sarah Malakoff

Sarah Malakoff

Native American Chief, 2016. © Sarah Malakoff

Text and Images by Sarah Malakoff

Interview by Ora Heard

How did your series Personal History come to be?

I’ve been obsessed with interior spaces for as long as I can remember. I was always re-arranging the furniture as a kid and never really stopped. There have been different themes that have intrigued me as I work. My first book, Second Nature, looked at how the home is both a refuge from and a reinvention of the outside, natural world. Other objects started catching my attention, like the portraits that are hung in the home - who they represent, what the connection might be to the occupant, and the relationship to other items and architecture. For Personal History, I started noticing, along with portraits of figures from history, other possessions that reference historical events and locations. I found them variously humorous, touching, and sometimes disturbing.

Apollo- Soyuz Mission, 2021. © Sarah Malakoff

Where do you find all of these interesting homes to photograph? Were there any challenges that came up while working on this project?

I’ve found homes in a variety of ways- from a Zoom lecture by someone at home during the pandemic to a friend relating the tale of a first date who mentioned a boat bar in his basement. Mostly, I find homes through word of mouth. I will put out a call to friends, family, and connections on social media for particular things or they report on interesting places they think I might like. That said, one of the biggest challenges on all my projects is finding the next house!

Hawaii, 2018. © Sarah Malakoff

If you rearrange any of the spaces to photograph, what is your process for that?

Often, it’s about removing extraneous items or tidying up, trying to simplify the composition. Since I can only take in a portion of the room, I will also occasionally move something from another wall or maybe even another room if it fits with the idea.

Horse of Selene from the Parthenon, 2021. © Sarah Malakoff

Describe your creative process in one word?


Caesar, 2020. © Sarah Malakoff

What inspires you to pursue image-making?

The urge to tell stories in an open-ended and hopefully thought -provoking way.

Jackie O, 2020. © Sarah Malakoff

What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

George Saunders’ short stories in Pastoralia. I love everything I’ve read by him. I appreciate the ways he finds irony and absurdity in American culture and consumerism.

Statue of Liberty, 2019. © Sarah Malakoff

What advice would you give to people just starting out in photography?

Learn about the history of photography as well as contemporary photographers. There are so many inspiring works and different approaches that can inform and deepen the ideas in your work.

Ancient Egypt, 2021. © Sarah Malakoff

What is your favorite podcast to listen to?

I still love Marc Maron’s WTF- a neurotic, creative person talking to other neurotic and creative people.

How do you take your coffee?

With a generous amount of half-and-half.

To learn more about her work visit here.

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