Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Fiona Segadães Da Silva

Fiona Segadães Da Silva

Aimez-vous l'orage, 07 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

How did your series Aimez-vous l'orage? come to be? 

Three years ago, I was deeply involved in understanding and accepting my emotions. This research followed a specific period of mourning where I had stopped my photographic practice for a while. When I started my photographic practice again, it was almost a vital need. Already working from texts written by my great-grandfather, many links resonated between his words and my images. In fact, this series was therefore a circuitous way to create a bond between us.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 06 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

Were there any challenges that came up while working on this project? 

I think it was accepting the feeling of vulnerability that pushed me to want to make images.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 04 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

What do you want the viewer to take away from this series? 

I am deeply inspired by the concept of saudade and also by intergenerational transmission. In this project, I tried to create a dialogue with my great-grandfather Herminio. It’s a common melancholy and a vulnerability that we share the central point of the project.

Describe your creative process in one word? 

It’s certainly: psychic.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 08 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

What motivates you to pursue image-making? 

I prefer images to words, gestures and moving bodies reveal more clues than words. I guess that's why I'm very sensitive to photography. Having grown up in a difficult environment, my photographic practice allowed me to take a step back, to build myself as an individual and it is sometimes a tool that I use to find meaning. The practice of photography is cathartic, it's a way of reclaiming reality, an attempt to create a place and to exist in a different way and not just through my social condition. 

The images of others are also a source of motivation for me, the way they grip me, carry me away, relieve me. I think I'm just in love with the images and it pushes me to do my own.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 02 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

Survivance des lucioles by Georges Didi-Huberman.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 03 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

What advice would you give to people just starting out in photography? 

When you just started your practice you need to have a lot of fun and then believe in your ability to progress!

Aimez-vous l'orage, 05 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

What is your favorite music or podcast to listen to? 

Currently I’m into PNL’s group music.

Aimez-vous l'orage, 01 © Fiona Segadães Da Silva

How do you take your coffee? 

I’m more of a chaï latte kind of person :-) 

To view more of Fiona’s work, visit her website.

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Magnum Magnum

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