Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

The Traveling Bible

The Traveling Bible

© Michael Schmelling

Written by: Emma Mathes

The lady threw the bible on the dashboard and pushed the car door open. After a long stretch, she moved away from the car and walked down the road.

And so the bible sat; its pages fluttered gently with a quiet patter in the draft from the open window. The book had seen many hands through the years. For a while, it’d stayed in a drawer, and only handled by the occasional lonely stranger. Then, she came, and whoever she arrived as needed what was in its pages desperately.

Now, it stayed on the road—in the passenger’s seat, the dashboard, the rear seats, but never in the glovebox. And so the pages yellowed, but the bible enjoyed the breeze.

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Ferrari (2023) | Dir. Michael Mann

Keisha Scarville: “lick of tongue, rub of finger, on soft wound”

Keisha Scarville: “lick of tongue, rub of finger, on soft wound”