Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Dancing in Mourning

Dancing in Mourning

Los Danzantes | Chris McCann

Musée Magazine embraces the wonderful hope that every picture stimulates an interpretation. This column is our tip of the hat to that concept, with a fictionalized text we’ve written to accompany a selected photograph.

Written by: Emma Mathes

Our instructor, who was usually our toughest and most inflexible critic, watched me walk into class out of dress code and said nothing. I’d missed the last eight classes; I suppose she accepted the miracle without argument.

I felt my classmates move around me in synchronized rhythm, but I swayed with my heart. I had needed this after a month of nothing but bed rot and lazy muscles, but wasn’t quite ready for the patterns.

Once I found my footing, my eyes stayed close for fear of losing my senses. I whirled and moved without forgetting for a second what was now forever missing.

The Holdovers (2023) | Dir. Alexander Payne

The Holdovers (2023) | Dir. Alexander Payne

Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman