Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Hiroshi Sugimoto : Lisson Gallery

Hiroshi Sugimoto : Lisson Gallery

SUGI180010 Hiroshi Sugimoto / Opticks 240, 2018

Lisson Gallery
Hiroshi Sugimoto: ‘Optical Allusion’
May 2–August 2,2024
504 West 24th Street, New York

For his first exhibition since joining LissonGallery, Hiroshi Sugimoto presents a new series of large-scalephotographic prints,collectivelytitledOpticks,whichrely on a prism to split ‘white’ light into its sevenconstituent colorsandmany more gradations and shades in between. Through the revelation of this hidden,polychromatic world that exists all around us, Sugimoto simultaneously creates stunning, abstract compositionsworthy of modernist painting, despite each image depicting anentirely natural phenomenon. Sugimoto not onlyfollows in the footsteps of Isaac Newton, who published his workOpticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions,Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Lightin 1704, but also realigns his practice fromaphotographer ofblack-and-whitefields, forms and figures,towardsa scientific surveyor of blazing color and invisiblepossibility.

more here: Lisson Gallery

Hit Man (2024) | Dir. Richard Linklater

Hit Man (2024) | Dir. Richard Linklater

