Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Sara Nicomedi | Breath of the domestic forest

Sara Nicomedi | Breath of the domestic forest

Sara Nicomedi ©


Manziana, Italy. 2020

Words and Images by Sara Nicomedi

Interview by AnnaRose Goldwitz

What made you pursue photography?

I wanted to do a creative job and to be able to manage my time

How did you develop this series?

In The Breath of the domestic forest, I portrayed my parents, Alessandra and Alessandro, surrounded by the nature they chose to embrace 35 years ago, when they moved from Rome to Manziana, a small village surrounded by a forest. I photographed them during the many walks we took together from the spring of 2020 to the following. I had just moved back to Italy after living abroad for 10 years. I photographed the things they indicated, or told me to look at; at other times, I was driven by the emotions I felt in the moment, including love and a sudden fear of losing them. Their relationship with the forest and with nature, in general, is one of total admiration and respect; they perceive the benefit they receive from being in contact with it, so their gratitude towards nature is deep and intimate. The forest is their sacred place, it is where they feel at home; for me, it is the place where I'll always find them, under a mushroom or a butterfly wing.

What challenges came up during this project?

Sometimes I thought that I was taking their photographs as if they were plants, insects, presences external to me, not just my parents, but characteristic elements of the forest. It was a beautiful time for me, but I also lived with the fear of losing them, COVID was a constant presence and worry.

Sara Nicomedi ©


Manziana, Italy. 2020

Describe your creative process in one word?


Can you walk me through your creative process from concept to final image?

Often the images come first, they are clues, as if they were single words, when I have enough of them, then I can put them in order and express concepts, frustrations, ideas, and stories.

What inspires you to pursue image-making?

The idea of being able to address universal themes and stimulate conversations and reflections with those who watch.

Sara Nicomedi ©


Manziana, Italy. 2020

Do you prefer black and white or color photography?

Color Photography

Do you have any post-processing or editing techniques that you prefer?

I don't have any post-processing that I prefer

Is there a selection of your work that you are most proud of?

I am proud when I know that people, after having seen the images, discuss and reflect on the topic I have dealt with, such as in Extinction isn't a good title where I talk about the future of the human being and the choice to become mothers.

Sara Nicomedi ©


Manziana, Italy. 2020

What do you enjoy most about being a photographer?

Among the various things I love about being a photographer, there is certainly the possibility it gives me to talk to and get to know strangers, to enrich myself with ever-changing experiences, and to know that I don't know what will happen next.

What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

I'm studying History at the University of Rome, the books I've been reading lately are manuals and essays. Everything I read inspires me!

What is the best exhibition/museum you have visited recently?

I saw an exhibition at the Macro Museum in Rome on the Portuguese Revolution of 1974. I didn't know much about the topic, the exhibition included photographic, audio-visual material, graphic prints, audio, and interviews, I completely entered the atmosphere of those years. I love the world of exhibition curation

Sara Nicomedi ©


Manziana, Italy. 2020

What advice would you give to people just starting out in photography?

I advise photographers who cannot attend courses and who do not have financial support to be courageous, patient, authentic, and kind. Portfolio readings, festivals, and openings are situations where it is possible to find a first space in this community and get started. Contacts are essential together with talent.

If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

It would be something outside, something about seeing and using the light.

What is your favorite thing (podcast, album, audiobook...etc.) to listen to?

I haven't listened to much recently, I quite like the silence. But I love to dance.

How do you take your coffee?

Caffè al vetro, Literally means espresso in a glass cup.

Sara’s Instagram and website info


Instagram- saranicomedi

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