Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Editor's Pick: Edition No. 4 - Heike Buelau




Heike Buelau


Heike Buelau grew up in Bremen, Germany, where she was trained as a classical singer. After starting her career in Europe, she moved to New York City. "I was a singer and performer in opera from a very early age, which has left its indelible mark on my soul and subsequently, my journey as a visual artist. When I decided to leave the music behind, photography came to me like a long lost love. It rescued me from an enormous creative hole, and in no time I realized that I could continue my music on canvas. And that is what my work is today: my perception of sound, which has always been experienced mainly in moments of silence, translated into my predominantly minimalist work and manifested in this body of work: "The Challenge of Silence. Inexorable...Irresistable," which has also just been completed as a video installation piece, interfacing my images with my voice." For the first time, combining the two creative forces of her life and the exploration of empty space vs. silence. "It is a beautiful, ongoing artistic process as well as a sort of homecoming for me. Profound connection to the self." Musée Magazine No. 4: Connections

Aperture at Sixty

Editor's Pick: Edition No. 4 - Cristina Venedict