Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Matthew Brandt "Excavations" at Yossi Milo Gallery

  With the fast growing technological advances of the photographic world, Matthew Brandt's Excavations brings up the very appropriate idea that the old and new techniques, although in competition for mass use-exist side by side, the old being a bit more obscure, yet still a force of discussion and creation. Mixing mediums by taking negatives from the New York Public Library of demolished buildings and old locations, to blend the dirt from the place's current state into the emulsion of his new prints—juxtaposes and combines the physical characteristics of the old photo production with the recent develops of the space.  He creates a relevant space for both spheres to be represented. Brandt is also currently on view in the International Center for Photography's What is a Photograph? show, interested in diving into and opening up the discussion of what photography means in these changing times-reminding us that the new ways do not just eclipse the old and that the old can invigorate the new.

The show runs through May 10th.

Text by Amanda Everich



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Photos by Lena Vassiliou

FILM REVIEW: The Missing Picture (2013)

Jamie Spates: Faces of Southeast Asia