Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Women Crush Wednesday: Romina Ressia

Women Crush Wednesday: Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

Romina Ressia, the photographer known for using anachronisms in her photos, has a background as a painter as well as a fashion photographer. Ressia's work is made up of images that carry the look of classic paintings but juxtaposed with modern day objects. Romina has a pictorial style that tends to touch on current issues. Born in a small town close to Buenos Aires, Argentina she later attended the Institute of the Teatro Colon. Her work can be seen in countries such as the UK, Belgium and Switzerland. Some major cities that her photography has been exhibited in are Milan, New York, Zurich, Buenos Aires, London, Paris, e.t.c. To view more of Ressia's work, Click Here.

@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

Interview by Francisco Rosario

1. What inspired your anachronistic style? 

I am always interested to see how things have changed and I have also always been in love of Classic Art so the idea came very easily to my mind.

@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

2. Which painters work have you juxtaposed the most in your career and why? 

I haven’t recreated any particular painting yet, but just taken from the classics the style, the palette, e.t.c. So there have been many painters that influenced me. My favorites are Rembrandt, Da Vinci and Velazquez.

@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

3. In your bio I read that your photography touches on modern day issues, can you tell me what a few of those are? 

Themes that I am permanently interested in are society evolution, the role of the woman, elderly and beauty.

@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia


1. How would you describe your creative process in one word?


2. If you could teach one, one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

I’m not good at teaching, but I think it would be a class for young artists career

3. What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

I am most inspired from daily life, I enjoy reading and watching movies but my work is more influenced by ordinary life.

4. What is your most played song in your music library?

There is no specific song but I use to listen classic and jazz music when I’m at home working.

5. How do you take your coffee?

More milk than coffee and super hot with one size of sugar.



@Romina Ressia

@Romina Ressia

The Archives: John Chiara

The Archives: John Chiara

Current Feature: Bruce Gilden

Current Feature: Bruce Gilden