Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Watch Out!

Flash Fiction: Watch Out!

©Chris Leskovsek

©Chris Leskovsek

By Isabella Kazanecki

A fruit truck kissed my forearm. Less to point to. I’ve mentally broken bones in anticipation every time I’ve hit the ground. With each encounter, my inanimate nemesis has met a bath of fresh blood but never before has it had the pleasure of hearing a real bone snap. 

How could you let a bunch of bananas break you?

My life is like that. Time stops for no one and that driver had his route to get to. I’m unbothered but for the muffled ticking. Today I chose to carve it out.  The thing that broke me, now less hot against my healing skin.

Photography And Our Rising Seas

Photography And Our Rising Seas

Issue 22: Interview with Vanessa Kotovich

Issue 22: Interview with Vanessa Kotovich