Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The awakening

Flash Fiction: The awakening

Untitled from Personal. © Annelie Vandendael

Untitled from Personal. © Annelie Vandendael

By Federica Belli.

The wind was calling her. She could hear her name in each gust, so loud it was deafening.
But now she knew, it was not what she was following.
She was going after that feeling, the one she almost forgot existed. Being proudly curious. Being who everyone told her she could not be.
Getting up from the sand, she tidied up her dress. The one she wore just those days when she needed to remember who she was.
Ready. For the fight, for the flight. She looked to the horizon. Still there, a promise waiting for her.

Postmemory: Interview with Sam Vladimrisky

Postmemory: Interview with Sam Vladimrisky

Interview: Bill Armstrong

Interview: Bill Armstrong