Misconceptions and Perceptions

Photographs are universal communicators, bridging the gaps that words create…except when they don’t. The photographer captures one instant in an image with specific intent, so what happens when those intentions are misconstrued?

Featured Videographer: Valery Jung Estabrook

Beautiful Face is single channel video consisting of both found and original footage that explores the themes of cultural appropriation, racial stereotypes and gender roles through the performative use of masks. Submit to our Video Submissions series to have your experimental film featured on our website.

Flash Fiction: Once I Fell in Time

She couldn’t believe it was time to leave already. That was her place. She raised her gaze. There it was. That tree. Still standing there, a hero becoming aware that the war has been lost but trying to fight that last battle anyway. Memories rushed before her eyes, too fast to focus on anything specific.

Illuminating Images

Light enables all vision, sometimes the visions of photographic masterminds. Whether soft or harsh, natural or artificial, diffused or dramatic, the lighting of a photograph can be what makes it.