Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Art Out: Zanele Muholi - Yancey Richardson

Art Out: Zanele Muholi - Yancey Richardson

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Yancey Richardson Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Zanele Muholi. Muholi is an artist and visual activist who displays two bodies of work, Brave Beauties and Somnyama Ngonyama (‘Hail, the Dark Lioness”) in her third exhibition with the gallery. The exhibition brings together two integral elements within Muholi’s practice: intimate studies of queer life in her native South Africa and self portraiture.

Novmeber 2 - December 9

525 W 22nd St. New York, NY 10011

All images ©  Nicole Angeles


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Art Out: Richard Prince - Ripple Paintings

Art Out: Richard Prince - Ripple Paintings

Art Out: New Chinese Culture: Recent Acquisitions - Traum Safe Gallery

Art Out: New Chinese Culture: Recent Acquisitions - Traum Safe Gallery