Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Leticia Flores

Woman Crush Wednesday: Leticia Flores

Turmoil © Leticia Flores

Turmoil © Leticia Flores

Interview by Akshit Bhardwaj

Project: Resilient

When did you initially become interested in abstract details of mundane objects?

I first started studying and admiring natures and urban decay textures, but it just wasn’t enough for me. It was until I noticed my niece sharpening a pencil that I realized the beauty of something so simple, so mundane, so irrelevant to the world. There’s when I found out that those elements from our daily life are as beautiful as anything else, that’s when I fell in love with the mundane and the abstract world.

Resentment © Leticia Flores

Resentment © Leticia Flores

Where do you look for inspiration when creating your photographs?

For inspiration, I always look into my emotions, that is how I get inspired to create this unique small “sculptures” that after being completed I take them to the studio an begin the process of capturing and creating the mood of what I feel.

Naive © Leticia Flores

Naive © Leticia Flores

How did you decide which elements are fit into your project?

The elements or materials used for the project are basically found in almost any house, or at least in an arts and crafts store. Then I have to study it and analyze how I would deconstruct the object and create something new throw a physical or chemical manipulation. They can go from breaking something into pieces, shaving wood or burning something, all to bring my emotions into abstract images.

What kind of camera did you use for the whole project?

The camera used for this project was a Sony Alpha A99 with the use of a 35mm and a 30mm macro, Sony lenses.

Abnegate © Leticia Flores

Abnegate © Leticia Flores

WCW Questionnaire

1.Describe your creative process in one word.

It is tough to describe my creative process in one word because my nature is to overthink everything...but I would say it is very process oriented, or hands-on.

2.If you could teach one, a one – hour class on anything, what would it be?

This is a great question. I guess I would love to teach how to find our inner voice, because in today's world we feel the need to please everyone around us, losing ourselves in the process.

3.What is the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you?

The last film that I saw that inspired me was the shape of water, where Guillermo del Toro shows the beauty in a very different manner and to my eyes that was so beautiful, so unique and that made me feel so related to the process that takes to create work like “resilient"

4.What is the most played song in your music library?

I don’t think I have a most played song, I feel I have several. I will play music related to my mood. But if I have to mention just one is probably can’t stop the feeling by Justin Timberlake, it always helps me get in a better mood.

5.How do you take your coffee?

I like my coffee black. It is nothing else on it as pure as it can be unless I go to a fancy coffee shop and I get a caramel frappuccino. Though lately, I feel more attracted to green tea.

Fear © Leticia Flores

Fear © Leticia Flores

Exhibition Review: A New Era by Doug Aitken

Exhibition Review: A New Era by Doug Aitken

Photographic Alphabet: S is for Nick Schietromo

Photographic Alphabet: S is for Nick Schietromo