Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: 9/11

Flash Fiction: 9/11

©Dan Bassini

©Dan Bassini

Written by Chloe Tai.

How do you think Johnny’s doing?

He fought the fires and collapsing debris when the Twin Towers fell, he can survive anything.  He’s probably taking care of his two daughters right now. 

What do you think Melissa’s up to?

She was so smart, telling us all to invest in Apple all those years ago. We should have listened to her, I’m sure she’s the head of a new investment firm by now.

For a second, they were mesmerized by the resplendent blue lights. The only spots of luminescence in a sea of black. Around them, the full force of thousands of spectators was enough to strike awe and a little trepidation in them. How much had changed.

I wish we could stay a little longer. But you know the lights only last for so long and it’s only fair that everyone gets an opportunity. It’s just nice to see New York once a year.

God, I miss the towers.

To view more of Dan’s work click here.

Weekend Portfolio: Laurence Philomène

Weekend Portfolio: Laurence Philomène

Art In: Each Modern, Ben Brown Fine Arts, Timothy Taylor Gallery

Art In: Each Modern, Ben Brown Fine Arts, Timothy Taylor Gallery