Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The doors

Flash Fiction: The doors

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© Lorenzo Catana

Written by Trevor Bishai

Wednesday was all that mattered, the day he had kept in his mind long in advance. In the morning, as he made the journey into town at long last, James was flush with the sense of conclusion, that a treasured phase of life he couldn’t identify the beginning of was finally at a close. 

But by the end of the day, the heaps of nostalgia, memory and identity that filled his mind during his journey into the town earlier that morning had left his mind. All he could feel was a vague stillness and numbness, and he was certain of when it began. He remembered the pink house and its concrete door from which, out on the street, he first caught a glimpse of his other half. All he could see in his mind were those two doors, one opened, one closed. He wasn’t even sure he had seen them with his own eyes, but by the end of the day, those two doors were the only thing on his mind.

Art Out: William Eggleston and John McCracken, Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb, Black Lens, Clifford Ross

Art Out: William Eggleston and John McCracken, Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb, Black Lens, Clifford Ross

Book Review: Talk Soon by Erik Kessels & Thomas Sauvin

Book Review: Talk Soon by Erik Kessels & Thomas Sauvin