Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Past Due

Flash Fiction: Past Due

© Maria Norden

© Maria Norden

Image by Maria Norden

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

The baby was late, and Claire was losing her head. For nine months, she had maintained tranquility throughout her mind and body; meditation, a balanced diet, and prenatal yoga helped Claire assure her growing bean that they would be happy together.

But the bean was too comfortable now, and Claire was feeling the heat. As she stood in the shower, hot water beating against the nape of her neck, she suddenly wished that she had someone—a teammate who could rub her shoulders. But she was alone.

And she was almost sad; until, she felt her bean kicking at her bladder—a reminder. Claire laughed through the tears.

To view more of Maria Norden’s work, visit her website.

Art Out: Gordon Parks, American Epidemic, Marie Tomanova

Art Out: Gordon Parks, American Epidemic, Marie Tomanova

Exhibition Review: Jade Doskow: FreshKills

Exhibition Review: Jade Doskow: FreshKills