Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Out of Office

Flash Fiction: Out of Office

© Carlo Lombardi

Image by Carlo Lombardi

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

Cedric was a workaholic; his life revolved around the office. His boss called him more often than his mother; and from the moment he woke up to the moment he slept, he checked his email. Even now, as he sat below deck on a small yacht off the coast of Italy, he answered emails.

Then came a knock at the window, startling Cedric out of his work daze. It was his wife’s heel, begging him to join her for the impending sunset. And it was enough to change him. Her long legs beckoned to him, so he closed his computer.

To view more of Carlo Lombardi’s work, visit his website.

Exhibition Review: Fred Cray: Singular

Exhibition Review: Fred Cray: Singular

Film Review: The Power of the Dog (2021) Dir. Jane Campion

Film Review: The Power of the Dog (2021) Dir. Jane Campion