Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Fascinator

Flash Fiction: The Fascinator

East Up Close © Mimi Mollica

Image by Mimi Mollica

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

Grandma loved a fascinator. When mom and I rolled up to church on Sundays, we could always spot her in a crowd from blocks away—and that was the way Grandma liked it. 

Her collection of head pieces was expansive, and prized by her; the diversely different styles pointed to her incredible fashion sense. I remember watching her pour over issues of Essence and Vogue, carefully noticing what images she thought were worthy of a second glance.

Grandma always looked her best, especially at church. She held firm to the belief that God was always watching, and we might as well give him a show.

To view more of Mimi’s work, visit his website and Instagram

Film Review: The Viewing Booth

Film Review: The Viewing Booth

Weekend Portfolio: Melanie Issaka

Weekend Portfolio: Melanie Issaka