Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Long Live The King

Flash Fiction: Long Live The King

Elvis pt. 3  © Zack Pohuski

Elvis pt. 3 © Zack Pohuski

Image by Zack Pohuski

Words by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

One day at baseball practice, I came upon a strange anomaly. Mr. Elvis Presley was in the grimy trash bin; an incredibly detailed, and beautiful portrait of The King sat amongst old apple cores, bags of dogs’ poop and unfinished sandwiches.

I couldn’t tell you where he came from, and what possessed someone to do it fails me. But I knew I would be damned if I let the portrait lie. 

And so, after practice, Elvis came home with me. The King had died on the toilet, and I wasn’t going to let this portrait’s life end in garbage.

See more of Zacks work on his Instagram

Art Out: Wyatt Gallery, Alternative Processes, Karen Navarro

Art Out: Wyatt Gallery, Alternative Processes, Karen Navarro

LaTurbo Avedon:  Morning Mirror/Evening Mirror

LaTurbo Avedon: Morning Mirror/Evening Mirror