Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Times Change

Flash Fiction: Times Change

© Alexa Quinn

© Alexa Quinn

Image by Alexa Quinn

Words by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

When electricity and industry took over our town, the elders commissioned murals to honor the horizons that were once wild.

At night, when I should hear desert owls and the cry of wolves, I hear the whir of my neighbors generator instead. I close my eyes and visualize a biome, one as wild as my spirit; a wilderness where I can feel at home and not like an invasive species. I run with rabbits and sunbathe with lizards. Beetles crawl across my skin and butterflies mistake me for flora. 

I dream that I am like these murals—camouflaged in nature.

View Alexa’s Instagram here

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