Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: High Tide at Coney Island

Flash Fiction: High Tide at Coney Island

Amaru in Coney Island © Erika Morillo

Image by Erika Morillo

Words by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

In Brooklyn, the brick absorbs heat and slow-roasts those inside. The ductless unit in the bodega will provide a hazy relief, but unless you can afford air conditioning, beating the heat is a challenge. Hot steam billows from drains while the asphaltic streets sweat. 

But then comes high tide at Coney Island, like a friend. The sea is warmer than cold, and its aroma is persuasive. Flocks of Brooklynites wade out into the waters, some with no more in common than their city of residence: little kids, pregnant moms, abuelas, tios, tourists, and Denny from the tattoo parlor up the block, all trying to cool down in Mid-July.

To view more of Erika’s work, visit her website

Film Review: Ailey

Film Review: Ailey

Weekend Portfolio: Alice Campos

Weekend Portfolio: Alice Campos