Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Weekend Portfolio: Anton Kuehnhackl

Weekend Portfolio: Anton Kuehnhackl

Images and text by Anton Kuehnhackl

I am interested in questioning approaches towards photography, whether that's through presentation, how an image is constructed, or re-photography. I believe that for the medium to continue on, it needs to push ways of looking at and considering images; how they function in the 21st century.

These works ask if formal roles of photographs, as things that can only be displayed in rigid ways, are really working. Using the "Materiality" and "Object-ness" of photographs, its structure, to turn it into something new; outside of these constraints, asks even more impactful questions. In constructing physically and digitally, it obscures the overall truth of the image and focuses the viewer on specific parts.

It’s also just being curious about how something will look, the “phenomenology” of an image; taken out of its original context and displayed as something else. Opposed to some overarching grand meaning. One could say I'm trying to "reinvent the wheel", but all I'm asking is; why not multiple views of the same wheel? Is there even a "wheel" in the first place?

Film Review: Worth

Film Review: Worth

Flash Fiction: 3, 2, 1…

Flash Fiction: 3, 2, 1…