Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: A Wanna-be New Yorker

Flash Fiction: A Wanna-be New Yorker

Slice of Light © Arnaud Montagard

Image by Arnaud Montagard

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

When we got off the train at Grand Central, my dad took control. He ushered our family out of the station like he was our tour guide, and talked to us like he was an expert.

As he talked with his hands, he said, “It will be impossible to find a cab. We should walk to 8th and take the A downtown.”

As we passed Bryant Park, he pointed out the Empire State Building like it was a rare sight as I held back a laugh.

My father had never lived in Manhattan and hadn’t worked here in 30 years, but nothing was going to stop him from behaving like he had never left.

To view more of Arnaud Montagard’s work, visit his website and Instagram

Weekend Portfolio: Argus Paul Estabrook

Weekend Portfolio: Argus Paul Estabrook

Book Review: Bright Young Things by Cecil Beaton

Book Review: Bright Young Things by Cecil Beaton