Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Coke Addiction

Flash Fiction: Coke Addiction

© Jayare Arias

Santiago had an addiction. While some maintain vices of illicit or illegal predilection, Santiago’s was legal, and encouraged by corporate America. To be quite plain, Santiago—known as Santi to those close to him—was devoted to Coca-Cola.

When his boyfriend picked him up on Friday nights, Santi often came to the car finishing off one glass bottle, and, more occasionally, also carrying his next. He kept a cooler in his trunk and a fridge in his bedroom. Birthday presents were easy; and the gift of Coke was never unwelcome.

Some health experts may argue against such an obsession, but we found it endearing. In fact, for us, Santiago gave Coca-Cola a good name.

Weekend Portfolio: Gabriel Zimmer

Weekend Portfolio: Gabriel Zimmer

Art Out: BDC, We,Women, B-Words

Art Out: BDC, We,Women, B-Words