Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Robert Alan Hume

Flash Fiction: Robert Alan Hume

© Emmanuel Monzon

Image by Emmanuel Monzon
Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani

When he died, it rained. The weather woman was as baffled as our neighbors were—the rain wasn’t seasonal. I was sure that it was him. While telling a story, I mentioned his name and a crash of thunder shook the sky. So, I took the hint. 

I plodded around the house for days, brainless and heart sore, as thick raindrops battered our roof. Then one early morning, it stopped. And like my body was moving independently of my mind, I went for a walk.

The fog was thick and cool, and raindrops coated the grass. His truck, still parked out front, served as a reminder of his soul. And for the first time in five days, I smiled.

To view more of Emmanuel Monzon’s work, visit his website.

Photo Journal Monday: Thiago Dezan

Photo Journal Monday: Thiago Dezan

Film Review: Enclosure (2019) Dir. Rachel Rose

Film Review: Enclosure (2019) Dir. Rachel Rose