Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photo Journal Monday: Thiago Dezan

Photo Journal Monday: Thiago Dezan

© Thiago Dezan

Images and text by Thiago Dezan
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani

Gray Area

These photos were taken in the Bay Area, California. Once known as one of the great centers of counterculture, today it houses the world's leading technology companies in the infamous Silicon Valley. The highest cost of development was paid - as usual - by the poorest people, who, due to the increase in the cost of living and rent prices, were little by little being expelled from the region.

© Thiago Dezan

© Thiago Dezan

The essay was inspired by the following poem. I came across this text while walking down Mission Street in San Francisco and a homeless man offered me a copy of the 'Street Sheet', a newspaper produced and written by an association of homeless people with the support of journalists. The newspaper is sold from hand to hand and helps people earn a penny to survive another day.

”Walking to Death
I’m always walking to nowhere I need to be,
and very few people care if I make it there.
My presence makes them uncomfortable.
And they avoid looking at me,
like they would a person they’ve failed,
or an unsightly corpse.
I was once someone’s child,
full of life.
Today I’m homeless.
A dead man walking”

- By Jose M Saldana

© Thiago Dezan

© Thiago Dezan

© Thiago Dezan

Exhibition Review: Carolyn Drake: Knit Club

Exhibition Review: Carolyn Drake: Knit Club

Flash Fiction: Robert Alan Hume

Flash Fiction: Robert Alan Hume