Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Post Feast

Post Feast

Zachary Cabanas

Written by: Emma Mathes

In the belly ache after Thanksgiving, the adults lounge in deck chairs while their kids run off fresh energy. They’re at their childless aunt’s but she has a few old toys laying around—which is to say, one naked Barbie becomes the fascination of boys and girls alike.

After a few unsuccessful minutes of imaginative play, the most rebellious of the tikes decide to see how high they can chuck her.

And so, in the late afternoon with the last of the day’s blue sky, dozens of stuffed and comatose adults watch one lone Barbie fly up, and down, up, and down.

Weekend Portfolio: Feng Lee

Weekend Portfolio: Feng Lee

Richard Avedon, Monroe Gallery (Group Show), Oli Kellett

Richard Avedon, Monroe Gallery (Group Show), Oli Kellett