Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Pipes on the Pier

Flash Fiction: Pipes on the Pier

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Victoria Manzoli

Peter and his mama went walking on the pier every Sunday. Peter’s mother had to go grocery shopping and she placated her son’s impatience with a breezy walk on the pier.

One Sunday in particular, there was a seemingly dramatic change in the typical landscape. A large device had been rolled to the edge of the pier. It was a musical instrument, Peter found out. When he pressed down on metal levers, sonorous bellows came from each pipe. Each lever made the pipes sound different. And Peter spent the better part of an hour experimenting. For him, it felt like no time at all.

Art Out: Deana Lawson, Renate Aller, and Women of the African Diaspora

Art Out: Deana Lawson, Renate Aller, and Women of the African Diaspora

Film Review: Argentina, 1985 Dir. Santiago Mitre

Film Review: Argentina, 1985 Dir. Santiago Mitre