Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Tears Turn

Flash Fiction: Tears Turn

Untitled from Post-Adolescence © Federica Sasso

Untitled from Post-Adolescence © Federica Sasso

By Paloma Broussal-Lanusse

Sweet people

always make

a strong impression

on her.

She met two other ones

just last week.

They are mountains

in human form.

When they get in

the conversation

you are ready

to fight,

to show

who you are.

But, with two sentences

and one gaze

they have already

won the battle.

They take the sword 

and you want

to tell them everything,

to run away

in their arms,

to switch, 

to be them.

It is disarming,

their sweetness.

IMPACT | Jack Shainman: To Boldly Go

IMPACT | Jack Shainman: To Boldly Go

Queen & Slim: The Love Letter, The Protest Piece, The Message

Queen & Slim: The Love Letter, The Protest Piece, The Message